web hosting
Sites or aspiring Baal web hosting hosting Internet sites it is only the Domain, a site that contains the information needed by the online user or things of interest to the same site name
There are two types of web hosting are either freeware and provided by many sites like Google hosted a blogger and a second type there Alastmavat paid such as .com, .net and Gearerh lot prices ranging from one country to another
There are some companies that provide free hosting in exchange for advertising on sites hosted with Ba and paid hosting Icomo pay money to advertise their products and Am I considered, for example, that this exploitation of the blogger or site owner ..
In this Fa who are turning to free hosting their sites have waived many of them Almzaiaalmtaha ..
The piece, I advise any blogger or website owner Ba direction to paid hosting they are not very expensive or high-priced, some web hosting of up to $ 5 only throughout the year and gives you a lot of advantages, such as participation in AdSense
There are two types of web hosting are either freeware and provided by many sites like Google hosted a blogger and a second type there Alastmavat paid such as .com, .net and Gearerh lot prices ranging from one country to another
There are some companies that provide free hosting in exchange for advertising on sites hosted with Ba and paid hosting Icomo pay money to advertise their products and Am I considered, for example, that this exploitation of the blogger or site owner ..
In this Fa who are turning to free hosting their sites have waived many of them Almzaiaalmtaha ..
The piece, I advise any blogger or website owner Ba direction to paid hosting they are not very expensive or high-priced, some web hosting of up to $ 5 only throughout the year and gives you a lot of advantages, such as participation in AdSense
استضافة المواقع او مايعرف باال web hosting مواقع الإنترنت ما هي الا دومين وهو اسم الموقع الذى يحتوى على المعلومات التى يحتاجها مستخدم الانترنت او الاشياء التى يهتم بها الموقع نفسه
هناك نوعين من الاستضافات وهى اما مجانيه والتى يقدمها كثير من المواقع مثل
جوجل وهى استضافه blogger وهناك النوع الثانى وهو الاستذافات المدفوعه
مثل .com و .net وغيرره الكثير وتتراوح الاسعار من دوله الى اخرى
وبهذا فا الذين يتجهون إلى استضافة مواقعهم مجانية يتنازلون عن كثير من المزاياالمتاحه لهم ..
لذالك فانا انصح اى مدون او صاحب موقع با الاتجاه الى الاستضافه المدفوعه فهى ليست غاليه جدا او مرتفعه السعر فان بعض الاستضافات تصل الى 5 $ فقط طوال العام وتمنحك الكثير من المزايا مثل الاشتراك فى ادسنس Adsense